Thursday, October 30, 2008

Freedom coming to an end

Well my first break of track is coming to an end an I didnt get hardly any of the things done that I was hoping. I did get a lot of stuff done for the kids that needed to be done though. We got Tanner into the dr before the school booted him out cuz he didnt have immunizations. That was a fun visit with Dr.Gabe! I just kept thinking "I only wanted to get his immunizations" but we left with perscriptions and orders for a high calorie diet, a bone age scan, and referals to specialist that are gonna be more fun than I know what to do with. Oh ya and realizing that Hunter's blood pressure reading on the little machines at Sams club are not as normal as I hoped...apperently teenagers are not supposed to have higher blood pressure than adults! But in the end I am grateful that we are able to identify problems before they are critical.

On a brighter note - my wonderful ward has been helpin me finish the basement so Hunter doesnt have to share a room with Coll and Max anymore and Tanner and Hunter will be able to do thier own laundry. We are hoping within the next month to have them moved down to the basement complete with a full bath and laundry, wooo hooo!

Now for the play by play update:
Hunter: actually getting good grades this time and only one teacher who wishes Hunter was someone elses problem. I have only had to visit the Jr Hi once so far this year, and it wasnt even his fault. So far this year is going a lot better! Hunter loves to play the Hot or Not game with about every girl he sees, and he is countin the days till he can get his permit and drive and he is already lookin forward to dating - ugh :O

Tanner- Everyone of Tan's teachers thinks he is the best student they have! Going to a different Jr Hi has been one of the better moves we have made for Tan. He played basketball (ya you read that right) and football (I know, I know....but it was flag football and he did great!). Tan is having a blast in Jr Hi and he may just figure out the homework issues and be able to pass his classes. The most memorable so far is makin a 3D model of Einstienium, complete with 92 protons, 92 electrons, and 152 neutrons (I think thats what it was). I didnt even know Einstienium was real (I thought it was a joke) but it is real and now we can tell ya all about it!

Miranda - just completed her first short story for the reflections contest. WOW - she did an amazing job. After many hours typing her little heart out, she completed it 12 pages long! She is of course the teachers pet and the all star student. The only problem is that she is growing up and more beautiful everyday. I am not sure I am ready for this but thank heavens she has 2 big brothers to scare off any boys who get to close (and we all know Hunter is good at running people off - even freinds and families)

Savannah - Little Miss popular and boy crazy as ever! I tell her and Miranda all the time I need uglier daughters! It sure would make my life easier! Not only is she as sweet as ever but every boy in her class is in love with ther (who can blame em). She is also Jaxons new mother. Somehow I have been replaced and half the time Max wants her to tuck him in and walk him in to daycare. I still get the special mommy hugs and kisses though so I am just appriciateing the help and that he loves her so much! They are two little adorable peas in a pod

Collin - Just like a little stick of dynamite! He is reading better than everyone in his class and has more energy than the entire class put together. He plays with freinds almost every day and I have a hard time gettin him home for dinner. According to him dinner usually tastes like dog food unless we are having manwich or spagetti. He is Jaxons bestest buddy and the greatest big brother a boy could have.

Jaxon - Max is beginning to adjust to daycare, but still says it takes too long. Talk about breakin a mom's heart! But we do what we have to do right? He is still sweet and as close to an angel as a little boy can get. He and Coll are my sweet angels. His kindergarten teacher is gonna need somethin special next year cuz he is already readin all the stuff I bring home from my first grade class. Collin taught him to read over the summer and wow - he is smart!

Me - I am just workin through my schoolwork and trying to get everything taken care of to be able to teach first graders all they need to know. Trying to juggle all six of em and work while goin to school has been more of a challenge than I had anticipated. It has been very difficult at times but I have been very blessed with friends and neighbors who have really stepped up and eased the burden. I guess the Lord gives us what we need when we need it.

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